
Submit your Videos to be Featured on Molchanovs Social Media

Molchanovs is looking for videos and reels submitted by freedivers to be featured on official social media channels.
Starting 8 April 2023, a monthly contest will be held for video submissions by the public. Accepted footage includes freedivers showing off their Molchanovs gear OR freedivers participating in Molchanovs courses/training.

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Molchanovs Educational Materials Get a Fresh Update
At Molchanovs, we pride ourselves on having the most up-to-date educational materials for our students and instructors. After instructors and Instructor Trainers give their valuable input, we periodically review our courses to make sure that the materials are easy-to-read and consistent, updating scientific information and adding helpful illustrations to make the learning process seamless.
Keep reading below to learn more about the changes in each course!
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Advanced Equipment for Freediving
As a freediver progresses on their freediving journey, the list of equipment they need tends to grow. Freediving certification courses slowly introduce you to deeper depths and fill you with more knowledge and safety information, but you might need some more equipment to reach those depths safely. Along with the basic equipment a freediver needs, what other gear might you need to consider purchasing in the future?
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